Saturday, January 26, 2013

Writing a Book: Designing a Cover

There were so many surprises for me when I published my first book.  One of the biggest was when my publisher asked for my cover.  Yikes!  I am a writer, not an artist.  (Trust me on that one.  I don't have an eye for fashion, colors or anything artistic.  I like things in nature, but that is about it.)  So, luckily for me, my brother has an eye for graphic design and a knack for Photoshop.  Somehow, we found the perfect picture, he designed the lettering and we were in business. It took only a few days and it was like 'Shazam!'  The cover was great!  It all worked together.  It fit the story.  Everyone was happy.

Now, we are on to Book Two in the series.  I am thinking how the cover will be a piece of cake.  I know what I am doing.  It will be a snap.  WRONG!!!!!!  The cover has given me grief, frustration and more grief.  I have sent away for a few proofs of the paperback.  I finished my final edit of the interior and I am still not done with the cover.  Where did I go wrong?  I can tell you!  , I didn't map out what I wanted the cover to say before I began the cover.  The first one fell into my lap; which has to be rare.  What I will do for the next one is as follows:

1. Map out the plot of my book and early on begin the cover work.  I won't wait until the end.
2. Outline what I want the cover's 'message' to be.  Is it fun and sexy? Distant and thought provoking?  Bold and dramatic?
3.  I will find themes from my first two covers that I want to carry over.  What do my first two covers have in common?  For me, they both have women, body parts, no faces, sexy, and bright/bold colors.
4. I will begin looking earlier at pictures.  My goal will be to have the third cover done, wording and all, before I am done with the interior of Book Three. 

One final note on the cover...EVERYONE HAS A DIFFERENT OPINION.  The more you show your draft cover ideas, the more everyone will like and dislike different versions.  Just know this going into it.  Don't let their constructive criticism deter you.  It is YOUR cover.  (For the most part, your publisher has the final say, but you get my drift).  And you will know when you know.  If you don't, then hire someone and live with what they decide.  I am sure my brother will sell his services.  Just keep in mind, it won't look like my covers.  I have him copyrighted for those.  lol!

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